3 Key Strategies to Achieve Your Boston Qualifying Time

3 Key Strategies to Achieve Your Boston Qualifying Time

Dreaming of crossing that prestigious Boston Marathon finish line? You're not alone. Securing a Boston Qualifying (BQ) time is a major goal for many runners, yet it can often feel just out of reach. Here are three effective strategies I've used to help countless runners achieve that BQ they have always dreamed of. 

1. Switch your Focus - Work on Weakness, Build Your Strengths 

Sometimes, the direct pursuit of a BQ can become a mental and physical grind. If you're close but can't quite hit that qualifying time, consider shifting your focus. Work on improving your speed over shorter distances, like the 10K and half-marathon, before tackling the marathon again. This approach not only refreshes your training routine but also enhances your speed and efficiency, which are crucial for marathon success. Also, switching the order in which you work on speed and power in your training block may be just what you need to raise your Vo2 Max ceiling, get stronger and have a solid foundation to build on when it's time to dial in that marathon pace. Some runners are built for speed and some are built for endurance. Knowing which one you are, building on that strength and working on any weaknesses early in your program can do wonders. 

2. Speed Endurance - Holding Your Pace 

For some, the challenge isn't the pace but maintaining it through to the finish. Adding more volume to your training can build endurance and prepare your legs for the marathon's demands. Incorporating long runs with sections of marathon pace and specific strength training for your legs can also be helpful. Learning what your marathon pace feels like and getting comfortable there is key, so designing workouts in the right order, at the right time and at the right paces is extremely important. You can't always run slow if you want to get fast. I always compare it to a piece in a puzzle. You need all the pieces by race day, so adding them a little at a time will get you there feeling strong and ready to race! 

These strategies help develop both the physical and mental toughness needed to push through when the going gets tough.

3. Fine-Tune Your Nutrition

Marathon nutrition has evolved significantly, moving from a one-size-fits-all approach to more personalized strategies. For many, the traditional reliance on fast-acting sugars can lead to GI distress and performance issues. Experimenting with a mix of slow- and fast-acting carbohydrates can keep your energy levels steady without upsetting your stomach. Also, knowing when and how much to hydrate before and during your race is important. 

Achieving a BQ is as much about strategy as it is about endurance and speed. Remember, the path to Boston is unique for each runner, and with the right approach, your BQ is within reach.

Here's to your success, and see you in Boston!

Warm regards, Coach Misty

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