Navigating the Complex World of Vitamins and Supplements as a Runner

In the pursuit of peak performance and optimal health, runners often find themselves at the crossroads of nutrition and supplementation. The question of whether to take vitamins, when to take them, which ones can be taken together or clash, and the ideal timing for each, is as complex as it is confusing. Add to the mix supplements like protein drinks, pre- or post-workout enhancements, amino acids, and electrolytes, and you're left with a concoction that could potentially do more harm than good to your performance, health, and overall wellbeing.

As many of you know, I've been an advocate for proper nutrition and supplementation for years. My journey began with my wholehearted belief in a vitamin company that customized nutrition for my clients and friends for years and I still regard as one of the leaders in the vitamin and nutrition space. However, as I grew older, my body's needs changed due to shifting conditions and hormones, prompting me to seek additional solutions beyond morning and night vitamin packs.

The challenge grew with my busy work schedule and marathon training, which often left me with little time for real food during the day and a handful of vitamins to consume at night. This was far from ideal and unsustainable in the long run. It became clear that I needed a solution that was not only science-backed and third-party tested but also one that my body could absorb at a cellular level. After all, what's the point of taking supplements if your body doesn't use them effectively?

After extensive research and some trial and error, I discovered a set of six products that truly resonate with me. Each one provides a nutritional foundation and delivers essential nutrients at a cellular level, ensuring that my body utilizes them fully. This approach has been a game-changer for me, aligning my supplementation with my body's actual needs and contributing positively to my training and overall health.

I understand the skepticism and confusion that comes with navigating the vast world of vitamins and supplements. It's a journey fraught with misinformation and marketing gimmicks. That's why I'm committed to sharing my findings and experiences with you through this blog. If you're interested in learning more about the products that have made a significant difference in my life, I encourage you to visit

Stay tuned for upcoming posts where I'll dive deeper into each product I'm using and share the results of this new approach to supplementation. My goal is to provide you with insights and information that can help you make informed decisions about your nutrition and supplementation strategy.

In the meantime, if you have any questions or want to discuss your experiences with vitamins and supplements, don't hesitate to reach out. Together, we can demystify the world of supplements and find the best path forward for our health and running goals.

Yours in health, 

Coach Misty 

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